Clear, Calm and Confident

To feel like our best, most psychologically mature selves, to like and feel good about ourselves, it is vital for us to understand who and how we are and to intentionally choose our actions and responses in life. “Happiness” is elusive and fleeting- there is simply no such thing as arriving at a Happy Place that you never ever have to leave. We can, however, find ways to feel content and satisfied even when life feels like an emotional roller coaster.


Getting Clear -- This work is focused on learning about how you developed as a person. What were your childhood and family experiences? How were your feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and ideas formed, about yourself, about other people and the world? What did you learn about emotional expression, conflict resolution, failure and success, independence and connection? What beliefs do you carry about your safety, your value, your place in the world?

Getting Calm – We have both conscious and unconscious thoughts that can trigger worry and anxiety, an overall sense of dread, feeling threatened or unsafe. While these are normal human sensations, they can sometimes overtake us and cause major disruption in our lives. This work is focused on harnessing the power of self-awareness, self-regulation and soothing to create an internal environment of greater peace and self-acceptance.

Getting Confident—This work focuses on acknowledging and understanding emotional triggers and activation as pointers to our wounds from the past and responding to them with growing self-love and acceptance. We don’t have to “get rid” of anger, fear, hurt, embarrassment, insecurity; as a matter of fact, that’s probably not possible for most of us! But we can learn how to reduce those negative feelings, to respond to our discomfort with less-judgement and more compassion, to move through challenges much more smoothly.

The great philosopher Socrates is known to have said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” But self-examination isn’t for the faint of heart! Self-awareness sometimes necessitates changing thoughts and behaviors, which most humans aren’t fond of and may resist. The delight, however, of feeling more mastery in our lives, of having conscious choice, of being more intentional — this is well worth the brief moments of discomfort.


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